For your convenience, below are a list of commonly asked questions. If it's not there, simply click on the link below and we'll get back to you with an answer.
You can either email us on or call on 020 7117 6155. If you wish to discuss a case with a clinician then the most suitable clinician will call you back. We will respond within 24 hours.
We can only take instruction direct from solicitors and barristers. Regrettably we cannot accept instructions directly from Litigants in Person.
We undertake work from claimants, defendants and joint instructions. Our claimant:defendant:joint split is approximately 50%:20%:30%. Irrespective of our instructing solicitors, we provide independent expert testimony and our primary duty is always to assist the Court.
Call us to discuss your needs or email a document to
Yes – all our geriatricians can provide expertise around all aspects of general geriatric care but you can request the services of a specific geriatrician. We will endeavour to match your wishes with the geriatrician of your choice although this is subject to availability.
Certain geriatricians have subspecialty interests (eg: stroke) and should your question be best suited to a particular subspecialty, we can recommend the most suitable geriatrician to undertake the work and discuss availability.
The cost depends on the exact nature of the instructions, the volume of notes to be studied and the complexity of the case. Geriatricians also charge different hourly rates dependent on level of seniority and experience. Please contact us for an estimate.
Yes we do this on request particularly if a client is too frail to leave their residence.
For national travel we charge an hourly rate and a mileage rate. Please contact us if you want a quote.
Yes – for international work we charge for travel on a daily rate plus the cost of airflight. Please contact us for a quote.
We only accept documents electronically usually via link from a server. All reports and invoices are sent out to instructing bodies via encrypted email.
No. Payment is always due within six weeks of a report being sent out to you.